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Hey Honey! What a great photo of our lil' blog trio. Don't we look so giddy?

Enjoy Glen's gift. What a great guy :)


I loved meeting you and our shopping day in Omaha--fun, fun, fun!!! What a fabulous time!!! What a fabulous Bella you are!! I am sighing the biggest happy sigh right now!!!


Hey lady! Glad to see you made it home safe and sound. Your trip sounds fantastic! Can't wait to see all the beauties you made in your classes! Looking forward to all the pics!

You "met" the Artsy Mama!? How cool is that! I cannot wait to see all of the goodies and stuff!

Michelle, It was so great meeting you and Lilli in person. Wish we would have had time for that sit down at the bar! Definitely next year... Many thanks for all the goodness you have spread my way! You are sweet and fabulous!

Michelle had some fun alright hanging out with all of you in Omaha. Too bad she missed the Neuberger here, it was awesome. Michelle failed to mention that I met Elizabeth Kucinich there, and chatted with her for about five minutes. She's gonna be the next First Lady ya know.
Thanks ladies for taking care of Michelle My Belle, she came home exhausted and elated and all those good things.

what fun we had and it was so nice to meet you too. Gotta do it again next year!!

Well that sounds like a wonderful time!

Sounds like you had a great time and love that picture of the 3 of you. Can't wait to see the rest of the pix I have been peeking at Lilli's blog, too for pictures. Nice going Glen!

So much fun to meet you Michelle! It was a wonderul time!! xo natalea

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