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HOW do you work, eat, live & breathe.... and keep up with the swaps, challenges, journals, etc....I am so impressed with your talents!!!!

Wow! I absolutely love how you are creating your journal. It's gorgeous!!! smiles...


That's how I roll too! Last minute but at least if I have a deadline I get it done. I am in the swap too and since I am in Canada, I had to push my deadline up to make up for postal time! So it is sent ONLY because of that reason. It's too funny to see your package sitting there and not open it. That would be TORTURE for me - lol!

Cool journals too!


eek, i wonder what's in that package!
your journal pages are so pretty. some day i hope to have journal pages almost as pretty as yours. some day...

Oh, I like these pages even better than the last batch. I must get out my water color crayons and play a little!

Hey Sugar.....I LOVE your pages! Very stylish, simple-yet-powerful.

You're cracking me up with the unopened pkg! I think that's hilarious :)

I love your "dream" page. I love the colors, the writing, the meaning, everything. I feed my dreams and I live off of my dreams, so of course, me like-a the dream page. And you should no "blame-a" yourself for anything Mario. You do so much as it is, that I can hardly keep up just reading about it. "Knocka-Knocka, who's a-dare? It's a-me, a-Mario!" (I had to thrown that in!!).
Love you!

these journalpages are just sooooo darn cool, I keep coming back to look at them. simple design, yet so colourful and fun! thanks for sharing!

I love all of it...there is no way I could even sleep knowing there was a package in the house waiting for me to open it!

Oh HOW can you not open that!? but I do admire ya for it! got mine today and tore that puppy's fab.

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