Hola! It's been a long time since I joined in on the 12 of 12 action! This is a project that Chad Darnell came up with. To see more 12 of 12ers for March, go here.
The premise is on the 12th day of the day, show your life in 12 pictures. It's a fun exercise because it gets me to keep my camera handy and take pictures in situations I wouldn't ordinarily even THINK to take pictures! You'll see what I mean in a minute...
First order of the business for the day is to feed the meowing cats...we currently have three. Here's the newest cat, Baghera. We thought this was gonna be a foster cat situation but I'm suspectin' this cat is ours for good.
Next, I gave Miranda a ride to school (this is our usual Thursday morning routine). It's a good chance to just chit chat and grab a coffee with my girlie.
Headin' into the office with all the other morning commuters...(note the bicyclist in the rearview mirror!)
Not long after I arrived at my office, I had a phone call from a very dear friend in Utah that I had just spent some time with. TOTALLY made my day!!! :-)
Found myself at the post office today at lunch...seems like I'm always there! Good thing it's a gorgeous building with lots of interesting things around it! This pic was taken from the front door.
While I was out and about, I took a pic of another fabulous Portland landmark...Portlandia...
A sneaky shot of a co-workers cube...
A picture of my poster that is hung up around my company...the text is about how I'm taking advantage of my company's tuition reimbursement program and pursuing my lifelong goal of getting a degree. :-)
Afternoon snack...
Ah...the glamorous life...
In the restroom at school. I don't think I have ever taken a picture of myself in a public restroom. Maybe once to take a "before" haircut picture. But that was of my hair and not me. I should thank Jane for planting the seed to take a pic of myself in a restroom for this project. :-)
I got to the campus a bit early so I dug in tried to squeeze in some homework...
Heading home after class...
Okay...I'm off...time for tea and some kind of snacky. Thanks for visiting and hope to see you next month!!!!